Our Story
We ran a coffee shop in Colombia
Coffee shops are typically interested in getting a good supply of roasted coffee and having the right equipment to prepare it in the store.
In Colombia, you have the luxury of being able to go to the farm where your coffee is harvested. From the men and women who pick the cherries, to the fermentation process and the drying times, shop owners have the luxury of trazabilidad – being able to follow the coffee’s journey from bean to cup.
This truly is a luxury, because most people have to work with coffee exporters. These middlemen are able to connect coffee farmers to coffee drinkers, but that ability to follow your coffee bean’s journey is lost. They charge for their services too, which usually leads to the coffee growers being underpaid for their hard labor and dedication.
We wanted to change that.
We believe you should know where your coffee is coming from, and we believe that coffee farmers should earn a fair wage for the product they provide. So, we started MCP Coffee. We highlight the work of our partners and provide you a delicious, specialty coffee at a reasonable price. Some of the shipment we keep for ourselves, and we’d love to share the rest with you!